
In this 2022 meeting of our CNRS international research network, we plan to summarize recent developments and future directions for the magnetocaloric effect in strongly correlated electron systems as well as applications in low-temperature adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration.

Location and access

The conference will be held at the MIR - Maison internationale de la recherche at Neuville. By public transport, you should get to the stop "Neuville Université" on RER line A; for planning your trip from train stations as well as CDG airport, the Transilien website may be useful.

Should you arrive at CDG airport, you may also take bus 9518 from Roissypôle. First, take the free shuttle train CDGval from your arrival terminal to the bus terminal at Roissypôle. Bus 9518 is from departure to final destination at Cergy Préfecture at 2 € (better have exact change ready). Finally, 1 stop on RER line A from Cergy Préfecture to Neuville Université. This route is a bit more complicated than via RER lines B and A, but may be faster and is definitely cheaper.

From the stop Neuville Université, it is a short walk to the MIR, see access map.

Participants and contributions

  • Manuel Brando, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Yb-based metallic refrigerants and the role of the nuclear moments
  • Jean-Marc Duval, Département des Systèmes Basses Températures, CEA Grenoble, Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerators: key components and material optimization
  • Philipp Gegenwart, Universität Augsburg, Triangular rare-earth borates for milli-Kelvin adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration
  • Thomas Gruner, University of Cambridge, Diverse arsenal of high-performance magnetocalorics for different temperature ranges below 12 Kelvin
  • Anna Gubina, CEA Grenoble, Frustration in octahedron blocks: emergent complexity of J1-J2 fcc antiferromagnet
  • Markus Holzmann, Université Grenoble Alpes, Itinerant-Electron Magnetism: The Importance of Many-Body Correlations
  • Christoph Resch, TU München, Magnetocaloric properties of (RE)3Ga5O12 (RE=Tb,Gd,Nd,Dy)
  • Edward Riordan, Institut Néel, Grenoble, Recent results on new magnetocaloric materials: Yb3Ga5O12 and LiGdF4
  • Romane Schick, Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble, Quantum order by disorder: peculiar case of fcc antiferromagnet
  • Frank Stefan Tautz, Peter Grünberg Institut (PGI-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich, A millikelvin scanning tunneling microscope in ultra-high vacuum with adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration
  • Maheshwor Tiwari, LPTM, CY Cergy Paris Université, Mean-field calculations of the specific heat and the magnetocaloric effect for quantum spin systems
  • Mike E. Zhitomirsky, CEA Grenbole, Does disorder bring an order: the case of frustrated magnets
    Timothy Ziman, Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble, Enhanced Thermoelectricity from Critical Magnetic Correlations
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